Select the technology need of your company and let us help you to achieve your goals with the help of the KIT DIGITAL program.

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The Kit Digital .

What is the Kit Digital program?


Grant Objective

In two words, How it works?

Where i can obtain more information?

On RED.ES and especially on the specific portal for this European programme, ACELERA PYME

What digital packages we offer you?.

Category: Clients management
Solution: Basic GesGrid
Segment: All

o Installation, implementation and configuration of CRM.
o Customer Management.
o Opportunties Management.
o Actions Tracking.
o Custom reports: up to 4 custom reports.
o Bag of 80 hours of changes in the application.
o Acommodation and Accompaniment of 12 months.
o Responsive designd and in the cloud 24/7.
o Up to 20 users

From 1000 €
Category: Business Intelligence and Analytics
Solution: Basic BiCube
Segment: All

o Installation, implementation and configuration of Bicube in the cloud.
o Adaptation up to 2 data sources.
o Up to 5 custom reports.
o Configurable, responsive and fully visual dashboard.
o Accompaniment for 12 months.
o Up to 10 users.

From 1000 €
Category: Process Management
Solution: GesGrid
Segment: All

o Installation, implementation and configuration of GesGrid in the cloud.
o Billing completely online 24/7.
o Bills Customization.
o Reports.
o Data storage up to 5 years.
o Accompaniment for 12 months.
o up to 15 users

From 1000 €
Categoría: Website and internet presence
Solución: Web Grid
Segmento: All

o Corporate web.
o Basic positioning.
o 1 year maintenance included.
o Backups.

From 2000 €
Categoría: Advanced positioning
Solución: Web Grid
Segmento: All

o Keyword analysis.
o Competitor analysis.
o SEO On-Page.
o SEO Off-Page.

From 2000 €
Categoría: Electronic Commerce
Solución: Online store
Segmento: All

o Online store.
o Payment gateway
o 1 year of maintenance included.
o Backups.

From 2000 €
Category: Virtual Office Services and Tool
Solution: Basic VirtualOffice
Segment: All

o Installation, implementation and configuration of Office 365 withc Microsoft Team and Videoconference on company LAN, with shared 1 Terabyte cloud space.
o VPN configuration for secure REMOTE access.
o 12-month upgradeable Antivirus subscription.
o Anydesk Access License (or MS RDP).
o User configuration.
o Accompaniment for 12 months: Monitoring of the system and its backups.
o Custom implementation service.
o Up to 48 users/workstations

From 215 €/user
Category: Social Media Management
Solution: Personal Red Package
Segment: All

o Setup and installation of up to 3 social networks.
o Study, audit and prior analysis of needs.
o Social Media Plan.
o Monitoring of social media for 12 months.
o Two posts/week on 1 social media for 12 months.

From 2000 €
Category: Cibersecurity
Solution: Professional Security Pack
Segment: All

o Installation, implementation and configuration of firewall.
o Incorporates Analysis and detection of known and new threats through updates (including 12 months).
o Tutored initial setup.
o Network monitoring and analysis of network traffic and threats.
o File Ransomware protection.
o Systems Antimalware - Antispyware - Antispam -Antiphishing - Antiadware
o Secure Navegation.
o Control of content and geographical areas.
o Possibility of backups in secure cloud.
o Security audit.
o Backups in secure cloud.
o Up to 36 users.

From 159 € / user
Category: Secure Communications
Solution: SecureCom
Segment: All

o Installation, implementation and configuration of VPN for remote desktop access.
o ANYDESK installation per user.
o Secure SSL and end-to-end encrypted connections.
o Connection logs with record of devices that have connected to the private network.
o Access control: only devices authorized by the company.
o Possibility to connect mobile devices.
o Firewall Review/Update/Installation/implementation.
o Updating of security systems during 12 months.
o Professional antivirus review/installation 12 months.
o Training included.
o Up to 36 employees/Workstations.

From 139 € / user

backGrid Responsive Technologies S.L.  ha sido beneficiaria de la Convocatoria de ayudas 2020 para el desarrollo de la oferta tecnológica en contenidos digitales en el marco de la acción estratégica de economía y sociedad digital del programa estatal de I+D+i, orientada a retos de la sociedad y del programa estatal de liderazgo empresarial en I+D+i, (C008/20-ED), para la ejecución del proyecto Master of Vega, con Nº de Expediente 2020/0820/00102134


Logos Programa Kit Digital

Logo Unión Europea Logo Cámara España Logo Cabildo de Tenerife Logo Cámara Tenerife Logo Xpande Digital

backGrid Responsive Technologies S.L.  ha sido beneficiaria del Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional cuyo objetivo es mejorar la competitividad de las Pymes y gracias al cual ha puesto en marcha un Plan de Marketing Digital Internacional con el objetivo de mejorar su posicionamiento online en mercados exteriores durante el año 2019-2020. Para ello ha contado con el apoyo del Programa XPANDE DIGITAL de la Cámara de Comercio de Santa Cruz de Tenerife. Santa Cruz de Tenerife.

Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional

Logo Agencia Canaria de Sociedad y Desarrollo Logo Agencia Canaria de Sociedad y Desarrollo Logo Cabildo de Tenerife Logo Cámara Tenerife

Proyecto cofinanciado por el Gobierno de Canarias y el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional a través de la subvención a empresas de alta tecnología e intensivas en conocimiento en áreas prioritarias de la RIS3 (EATIC 2020). Gobierno de Canarias Unión Europea. Santa Cruz de Tenerife.

Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional

BackGrid Responsive Technologies ha sido beneficiaria del programa "Subvenciones Iniciativas Para El Mantenimiento De Empleo" para la ejecución del proyecto "Transformación Digital en Backgrid Responsive Technologies" concedido en el año 2022.
Esta actuación se enmarca en el "Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia-Financiado por la Unión Europea-NEXT GENERATION EU"